Here are the guidelines:
- The content should be original work (and has not been posted anywhere else), quality, and factual
- Useful, relevant to travel content readers
- Maximum number of links is 2 – one put in the content, one in the author’s bio
- Proper formatting for better user experience
- At least 500 words
- The editorial team may make some modifications in the content if they deem necessary to fit the industry (travel) the site represents
- You may include supplemental photos
- The content will be published under “Guest Post” but you can provide a short bio, put right after the content, to recognize the writer/author.
Why guest post on MeantToGo?
- Quality link back to your website (helps rank your website better on search)
- Helps widen the exposure of your brand/company
- Your post will be there as long as this blog is up and running
- It’s free for travel guide-type of content (here’s an example:
Submit your content through these emails.