
Sugba Lagoon: Experience Siargao’s One Of The Most Valued Attractions

Sugba Lagoon is one of the most popular attractions in Siargao. In fact, those who are offering tour packages in the island usually (if not all the time) include this spot to their itineraries. But that should not come as a surprise considering the lagoon’s breathtaking features.

Sugba Lagoon is best known for its emerald-green water. It is well-hidden amidst several islets of varying sizes. It is reached by a 30 to 40-minute boat ride from the local tourism office, which also serves as the registration area and the jump-off point. Visitors ride on an out-trigger boat that passes winding waterways through a dense mangrove sanctuary, which is an attraction in itself.

If you are vacationing in Siargao, Sugba Lagoon should definitely be included in your itinerary. Your visit into this island paradise will not be complete sans experiencing the said attraction.

Things to do in Sugba Lagoon


Bamboo rafting
Swimming (of course)


Fees & charges

  • Registration fee = Php 50
  • Boat fee = Php 1600 (Good for 6 persons) = Php 200 per head
  • Kayak rental = Php 200
  • Paddle board rental = Php 200
  • Life jacket rental =Php 50
  • Snorkel gear rental = Php 200
  • Table rental = Php 50
  • Bamboo raft rental = Php 100
  • Docking fee = Php 100

Sample budget

  • Registration Fee: Php 50
  • Boat joiner fee: Php 200
  • Paddle board: Php 200
  • Food/Lunch and Snacks: Php 200 (there are lots of food vendors near the tourism office)
  • Transportation: Php 350 (for a whole day motorbike rental) + Php 100 (for fuel) = Php 450
  • Docking fee = Php 100/6

Total: Php 1120 (give or take)

How to get to Sugba Lagoon

  1. Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific, and Skyjet have regular flight schedules to and from Siargao from one or some of the following: Cebu, Clark, Davao, and Manila Airport. (Please visit their official websites for the schedules as well as for the info about which from the mentioned airports they are available.)
  2. From Siargao Airport, head to the local tourism office in the Municipality of Del Carmen (different modes of transportation are available at the airport – passenger van, tricycle, motorbike)
  3. Register at the local tourism office; they are the one making arrangements for your visit to Sugba Lagoon.
  4. After the registration, just go to your assigned boat that will ferry you to Sugba Lagoon.
  5. After a 40-minute ride or so, you are arrive at Sugba Lagoon.

Note: If you come from General Luna, you can actually take a boat ride/Sugba Lagoon tour from there. Your tour guide/boatman will help you in the registration at the tourism office so you get a slot for Sugba Lagoon. This is ideal for a group staying at General Luna.

Useful tips

  • Be there at the registration office (local tourism office) as early as 6am if you want to get ahead of the registration line. It is best to avoid the surge of tourists that happens as early as 7am
  • Take note also that Sugba Lagoon only accommodates at most 200 tourists per day (tough I doubt if they do not accept a little more than that, still, I would suggest you get there a bit earlier than the surge of visitors)
  • If you are going there alone, make sure you get to join with other tourists for a boat ride to avoid paying higher charges (tell the staff at the local tourism office that you are going there without companion; they should be able to arrange a joiner boat ride for you and it should come easy as there are also others waiting for joiners)
  • Food is prohibited at Sugba Lagoon so don’t bother to bring any into this attraction. There’s a drinking water there provided for tourists for free, but you may want to bring a tumbler of water just the same. But please do take note that single-use plastic is not allowed there.
  • If you are renting kayak or paddle board only for photo ops, better rent it with others who are doing the same to divide among yourselves the rental fee. An hour is long enough to pay for rental fee only for photo taking purposes.
  • You may want to use rental table for your belonging, but you may also opt to put it somewhere in the corner while you are out there in the Lagoon having fun. That is, if you do not want to shell out 50 pesos for the table charges.
  • Drone isn’t prohibited so you may take aerial shots all you want without paying any fees.
  • Lastly, make sure you clarify it to your boatman the time you are going back to the tourism office (you do not want to be left behind, right?). Also, please take note of your boat number so that you are sure you get to the correct boat going back.

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