If you’ve been following me for a while, you’re probably aware I’m into outdoor activities. That’s precisely why this blog came into existence. But let us put that aside because I am posting this particular blog entry to share with you some insights about a product – portable coffee maker (travel-sized coffee maker). Of course, I love coffee so much that, in the past, when I went for a hike, I would bring a tumbler of coffee instead of water, since water was easier to find on the trail. But here’s the thing: I found preparing brewed coffee a bit time-consuming. As a result, when laziness struck, I’d end up with instant coffee instead—even though I wasn’t delighted with its taste.
Review: FinalPress – a portable coffee maker
Today, things are different—thanks to this portable coffee plunger I’ve got: FinalPress. With this product (as you can see below), making brewed coffee has never been more convenient for me. It is easy to use, handy, and with its size, it can easily be put inside my bag – even inside a pocket.
Love coffee? Try FinalPress – a portable coffee maker that’s easy to bring outdoors ~ Roy

What’s in the box

These are the components of FinalPress portable coffee maker:
- The plunger powered by springs
- Laser cut 200 micron filter
- Mason jar lid for cold brew
- Carrying sleeve
The box also includes instructional manual or a brochure guide.
Notable features
Let’s go to some notable features of this handy coffee maker:
- Pocket-sized and lightweight for travel
- Spring-powered, no electricity required
- Made of premium 304 stainless steel
- CNC precision machined for durability
- Individually built for quality and to last
- No need for paper filters or capsules
- Can make hot coffee, tea, and cold brew
- The simplest way to make a great coffee & tea
How to use it
For hot brewing
- Put 12 grams (2-3 tablespoons) of coffee grounds (recommended grind size: fine to medium)
- Screw the filter back onto the plunger.
- Slowly add hot water to the cup.
- Slowly stir it around 20 times (hold from the top yellow part as lower parts may be hot)
- Leave for 2 minutes and then stir 20 more times for a strong cup of coffee
- Press the plunger a few times to release rich flavor (repeat stirring and pressing if necessary)
Watch this video demonstration:
For cold brewing

Add room temperature water to the jar, tighten the lid through FinalPress, and refrigerate overnight. Stir and press the plunger before drinking.
So, if you are like me and love both outdoors and coffee, this might be the portable coffee maker you have been searching for. It is handy that you can bring it with you whenever you have an outdoor activity. Indeed, you can have the two best things this life can offer: outdoors + a cup of brewed coffee.

Where to buy
If you want to learn more about this product or have a first-hand experience with it, you can purchase it online and have it at a 10% discount by using my promo code: MEANTTOGO.
That’s it for this blog entry, folks! Have a great day with a cup of delicious brewed coffee.