Bohol travel guide - alicia, anda, candijay

Bohol Travel Guide: Southeastern Sojourn – Alicia, Anda, and Candijay

No doubt, Bohol is one of the most beautiful and popular vacation destinations in the Philippines. In fact, in 2016, tourist arrivals hit 1-million mark, a surge by 39.7% from the previous year. This achievement is something that the island province should definitely be proud of.

So, you’ve been to Bohol, yes? Perhaps, you have visited the breathtaking Chocolate Hills; went for a fun Loboc River cruise; got acquainted with the cutest primate on earth, Tarsiers; and, had a soothing sun bath in the powdery white sand beaches of Panglao.

Now, you think you’ve experienced all the fun activities Bohol has to offer? Well, think again.😀 The fact is, there’s a whole lot more in Bohol waiting for you to discover.

In this post, I am sharing a travel guide to some places in Bohol that, perhaps, not as popular as the places where the above-mentioned attractions are located, but offer great experiences all the same. I take you to the southeastern part of the island province – Alicia, Anda, and Candijay.

Alicia, Anda, and Candijay

Together with Mabini and Guindulman, the municipalities of Alicia, Anda, and Candijay form part of the Southeastern Bohol. They are bordered to the north by the Municipality of Ubay, the Bohol Channel  (Bohol Sea) in the east and south, the town of Pilar and other municipalities of Central Bohol to the west. Tagbilaran City is a two-hour ride away, west.

Just like other places in Bohol that have been attracting tourists, these municipalities used to be a pretty laid back community. Locals just had their daily routine of farming, fishing, livestock raising. However, today, they have become more and more active in the sector of tourism as their places are receiving more visitors – local and foreign alike (thanks to social media). In fact, as of this writing, the Alicia is set to open another activity that tourists can try – Caving.

Things to do in Alicia


Alicia Panoramic Park, Bohol

Trekking to the summit of Alicia Panoramic Park (aka Binabaje Hills) provides a bird’s eye view of this part of the province. With its rolling hills covered by a sea of green, you surely find it refreshing.

The municipality of Alicia offers a day tour that allows you to trek to the summit of this park. The entrance fee is 40 pesos; the obligatory tour guide fee is 500 pesos, which is good for 5 people and below.

Note: These hills are only covered by grasses (well, mostly), so it is pretty hot if you do the trek when the sun is high. It is best to do it early in the morning. Of course, bring enough water to keep yourself hydrated.
To learn more, read about my Alicia Panoramic Park travel guide.

Join trail run

Alicia Panoramic Park Trail Run
Photo credit: Travel 29
Each year, the municipality stages a trail run that is participated by a huge number of people from all over the country. In fact, it attracts foreign runners as well.
Participating the trail run allows you to experience and appreciate the lovely terrain of the Alicia Panoramic Park.


Cycling at Alicia Panoramic Park
Photo credit: PIA
This is another recommended activity for those who are into extreme adventures. You can bring your own bike, but you can also rent one. Again, just like the trail run, you will surely enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding while cycling over the rolling hills of the Alicia Panoramic Park.


If you want to stay a bit longer at the Binabaje Hills’ peak, celebrate! They offer overnight stay as well. Just bring your camping tent and other gears with you as there are no other accommodation above for a night stay

Caving (soon to open)

As of this writing, the tourism office of Alicia is on its final stage of processing all the needed requirements for the caving activity. (this part will be updated as soon as I receive the latest development from them)

Where to stay in Alicia, Bohol

Alicia is a small town that is yet to rise as a prime destination for tourists. So you cannot expect high end accommodations as of yet. However, you can find a number of decent homestays at reasonable prices (price ranges from 300 to 500 per night).

Note: It is recommended that you contact Miss Godelia Lumogdang, the tourism officer of the Municipality of Alicia, prior to your visit. She will help you not only in ensuring your trek schedule but also in assigning a registered tour guide, as well as a place to stay. (contact #: 09308233330)

Things to do in Anda

Another place in Southeastern Bohol that is gaining and and more popularity these days is the Municipality of Anda. A huge part of the area is composed of coastal communities, so you can expect that many of tourist activities happen in beaches.
Here are some recommended activities for you when you are visiting Anda, Bohol:

Take a dip at Combento Cave Pool

Combento Cave Pool, Anda, Bohol
Have a relaxing moment at Combento Cave Pool. Located just a few distance from a municipal road, this cave pool offers a one-of-a-kind experience in Bohol. Take a refreshing dip into its cool  water; it will surely rejuvenate your aching body from the travel.
To know more about this attraction, check out my Combento Cave travel guide.

Take a plunge at Cabagnow Cave Pool

Cabagnow Cave Pool in Anda, Bohol, Philippines
Take a plunge into the water of Cabagnow Cave Pool. It is another attraction located in Anda that you should not miss visiting . You can go more extreme here than at the Combento Cave as it allows you take a dive into its turquoise water from as high as 15 feet above. Not only you will enjoy the water of this cave pool, you will be surely be amazed by the limestone formations inside the cave.
Here’s my Cabagnow Cave Pool travel guide that you should check out to learn more about this wonderful attraction.

Have fun under the sun in Anda Beach

Anda Beach, Bohol
Your visit to Anda will not be complete without spending a good time in its beaches. The long stretch of Anda’s shoreline allows businesses in the area to thrive. There, you will find a number of private resorts offering fun activities for tourists (although the Anda Beach in general is a public place).
Note: While many consider Anda Beach as the Boracay of South Bohol (perhaps mainly because of its powdery white sand), you might find it not as well maintained as you can expect it to be. Don’t be surprised if you find lots of organic trash (e.g. seaweeds washed ashore) along the beach.
To learn more, check out my Anda Beach travel guide.

Where to stay in Anda, Bohol

J&R Residence
J&R Residence

Anda White Beach Resort
Anda White Beach Resort

Anda-Divers-Enjoy Garden Resort
Anda-Divers-Enjoy Garden Resort

Casa Amihan
Casa Amihan

Anda De Boracay White Sand Resort
Anda De Boracay White Sand Resort

Rd Bed and Breakfast
Rd Bed and Breakfast

Things to do in Candijay

The municipality of Candijay is located between Alicia and Anda. It is another yet an exciting destination that you should not miss visiting when in Bohol. Great attractions, great people – that’s how I can describe the place.
So, what are the things you can do in Candijay?

Enjoy the sea of greens at Cadapdapan Rice Terraces

 Cadapdapan Rice Terraces, Candijay, Bohol, Philippines
A big part of Candijay is hilly. Or, should I say, covered with mountainous terrain. But this did not (and do not) stop people to go into farming. Tilling the slopes to make it ideal for rice planting resulted to the creation of a great masterpiece – the Cadapdapan Rice Terraces. Like me, seeing it for the first time would leave you in awe. Indeed, this attraction is something that Boholanos should really be proud of. Why? It reflects their ingenuity, their creative and innovative minds.

Be amazed by the beauty of Can-umantad Falls

 Can-umantad Falls, Candijay, Bohol, Phiippines
A few kilometers from the Cadapdapan Rice Terraces lies another great attraction that is worthy of your visit – the Can-umantad Falls. This 60-foot, multi-tiered waterfall provides a refreshing treat after strolling around under the sun. Great landscape awaits you in there. No worries, as the trail going to the falls from the main entrance is relatively easy and would just take about 5 to 10 minutes.
To learn more, check out my Can-umantad Falls trave guide.

Have a soothing bath at Canawa Cold Spring

Canawa Cold Spring, Candijay, Bohol, Philippines
I would say that visiting the Canawa Cold Spring is a perfect way to end your day tour in Candijay. The water from this spring is fresh and is so cold that taking a dive into its depth will surely rejuvenate your tired and aching body from the prior activities.
Check out my Canawa Cold Spring travel guide to learn more about this attraction.

Where to stay in Candijay

Inday Dajeros Holiday Home Bohol
Inday Dajeros Holiday Home Bohol

Bohol 3 Bedroom Villa
Bohol 3 Bedroom Villa

Sample Itinerary + Budget

Time Place Expenses (PHP)
DAY 1:
8:00 AM ETA @ Mactan-Cebu International Airport
9:00 AM Arrival at SM Cebu from the Airport (ride MyBus) 50
9:30 AM Arrival at Cebu Pier 1 from SM (ride a taxi) 80
10:00 AM Depart for Tubigon Port 250
11:15 AM ETA at Tubigon Port
11:30 AM Quick lunch at the Port 100
12:00 PM Depart for Carmen (ride a van) 40
1:30 PM Van transfer/ Depart for Alicia 60
3:00 PM ETA at Alicia Public Market
4:00 PM Start Alicia Panoramic Park Trek 40
7:00 PM Dinner 100
9:00 PM Accommodation; Lights out 350
DAY 2:
5:00 AM Prepare for the day’s activities, breakfast 100
6:00 AM Depart for Anda 150
7:30 AM Combento Cave Pool 20
8:30 AM Cabagnow Cave Pool 50
9:30 AM Anda Beach
10:30 AM Early lunch 100
11:30 PM Depart for Candijay 130
12:30 PM Cadapdapan Rice Terraces 100
1:30 PM Can-umantad Falls 100
2:30 PM Canawa Cold Spring 100
3:30 PM Depart for Tubigon Port 200
6:45 PM Dinner at the Port; Depart for Cebu 350
8:00 PM ETA at Cebu Pier 1
9:30 PM ETA @ MCIA 250
Total 2670


  • To save more time and to go all of the attractions without too much hassle, it would be a lot better if you just find a habal-habal driver that is willing to ferry you to all of the destinations (just like me, I only had one habal-habal driver/tourist guide that brought me to all of my destinations, except for the ride from Alicia town proper to the jumping off point of the Alicia Panoramic Park).  Note: If you’d ask for a recommendation for a habal-habal driver, I would recommend Kuya Edwin Balahay at +63912-405-9855 
  • Instead of buying a bottled water from time to time, it is a lot better if you just bring a tumbler with you and just do a refill at places where potable water is available. This way, you save some amount and at the same time, you help the environment. (What I did was, I had with me a tumbler that I brought all the way from Davao, my hometown, and I just refilled at drinking fountain, or at a restaurant where was free water from a dispenser or from a water vending machine sold at a much lower price).
  • You are a visiting tourist, it is incumbent upon you to respect the people and their culture as well as the environment. Be friendly as much as possible and leave no traces, bring back with you your trash.


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